TrendForce Micro LEDforum 2020




Micro LED Forum 2020 -创新与量产的机会与挑战
自从COVID-19爆发以来,对于全球的科技产业供应链造成了极大的冲击,无论是仍在实验室中孵化的Micro LED技术,或者是即将量产问世的Mini LED背光技术,都因疫情而受到影响。LEDinside将藉由Micro LED Forum 2020在线研讨会,来揭露目前各家厂商的技术进展。

Micro LED创新技术的复盘
由于疫情导致许多公司的量产进度放缓,使得厂商们投入更前瞻的技术开发,而LEDinside也观察到了,该疫情反而促使了许多公司默默地推进Micro LED显示技术。也因此,LEDinside希望藉由在线研讨会平台,藉此来复盘全球Micro LED新创公司的开发技术进展。

Mini LED背光的研发进展
而目前业界最关注的话题,当然还是苹果即将在年底推出的Mini LED背光平板计算机,即使因疫情导致欧美与亚洲的供应链交流不顺畅,但是苹果还是不打算放弃或是递延量产计划。而LEDinside也会藉此研讨会来揭露Mini LED背光产品的技术挑战,成本架构与未来展望。

关于 Micro LEDforum 2020 在线研讨会


2020/7/29 (三) 12:00




中文 / 英文


Topic 01

自发光的 Micro & Mini LED 显示器发展趋势分析

LEDinside 研究副总 / 集邦科技

Topic 02

Mini LED 背光显示器的商品化挑战分析

LEDinside 研究副理 / 集邦科技

Topic 03

针对 Mini 与 Micro LED 的芯片制造解决方案

制程技术经理 / 牛津仪器

Topic 04

Micro LED 显示市场: 巨量转移技术简介

Ajay Jain

Topic 05

新型超薄柔性 Micro LED 显示技术重新定义显示尺寸规则

Julian Osinski, Ph.D.
VP of Product Technology / iBeam Materials

Topic 06


Reza Chaji
CEO and founder / VueReal

Topic 07

Micro-LED 显示技术产业化进程

CEO / 思坦科技,

Topic 08

MOCVD 技术创新突破 Micro LED 挑战瓶颈

Drew Hanser
VP of Technology / Veeco

Topic 09

200-300 mm LED 晶圆强化 Micro LED 显示器价格竞争力

Atsushi Nishikawa
CTO / ALLOS Semiconductors

Topic 10

巨量转移技术应用于 Mini LED & Micro LED 显示领域

Jae-Hyun Kim
Head of Applied Nano-Mechanics Department / KIMM

Topic 11

Mini LED COB 显示技术

营销总监 / 中麒光电




LEDinside 研究副总 / 集邦科技

自发光的 Micro& Mini LED 显示器发展趋势分析

现职为绿能事业部研究总监。具多年LED产业研究资历,包括LED,Micro LED,照明,显示屏幕等的整体供应链。此外,他同时也负责锂电池产业观察。储于超先生过去曾在集邦科技与金融机构担任分析师,针对半导体相关的电子领域皆有所擅长。


LEDinside 研究副理 / 集邦科技

Mini LED 背光显示器的商品化挑战分析



製程技術經理 / 牛津仪器

针对 Mini 与 Micro LED 的芯片制造解决方案


Ajay Jain


Micro LED 显示市场: 巨量转移技术简介

Ajaykumar (“AJ”) Jain is a co-founder/CTO of VerLASE Technologies LLC, and named inventor of the Company’s principal technology. He had also cofounded and remains the CTO and a principal of Versatilis LLC, VerLASE’s parent Company, which had done various R+D work for agencies of the US Government, including DARPA, ARL, DOE and ONR. Previously, he founded TeraLūm, an optical components venture addressing telecom markets. He has 25 years thin film, semiconductor and fiber-optic experience, first with Omega Optical, then Reynard, and has consulted for a number of Companies in thin film optical coating technologies. A deeply experienced optical engineer, he is a prolific inventor with over 18 issued US patents, 2 in Japan, and 1 in Korea, with many more still in process. He is familiar with semiconductor processing, thin film devices in both electronic and optical domains, process and applications engineering, and engineering management. AJ is a graduate of the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester.

Julian Osinski, Ph.D.

VP of Product Technology / iBeam Materials

新型超薄柔性 Micro LED 显示技术重新定义显示尺寸规则

Julian Osinski received his PhD from the University of Southern California under the leading pioneer of MOCVD growth of III-V materials for lasers and LEDs. From there he joined SDL, Inc, now part of Lumentum, to develop and commercialize high-power semiconductor lasers. In 2001 he joined several startups in succession including Santur, Soraa, and Pacific Light Technologies in various senior roles to commercialize tunable laser, LED, and quantum dot technologies, respectively. Each of these companies have been acquired after becoming leaders in their product areas. In between these roles he continues to provide consulting services through his company Opticalogic Advisors, LLC. Since 2016 he has been with iBeam Materials, Inc. as VP of Product Technology.

Reza Chaji

CEO and founder / VueReal


Reza Chaji is CEO and founder of VueReal Inc., a Waterloo based company developing the micro solid printing platform for integration of millions of <10um optoelectronic devices into any surface to enable enhanced electronic systems (e.g. displays, multi sensor surfaces, medical system, etc.).
He received his Ph.D. degree (2008) in Electrical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, where he worked on design and implementation of large-area electronic systems for AMOLED displays, biomedical imagers, and bio-array sensors. His work led to development of over 200 patents that enabled large area AMOLED displays by enhancing performance and yield.
He has over 70 published papers and one book in the field of display and sensor, over 100 filed/granted patent applications, and received several prestigious scholarships and awards including Young Alumni Achievement Medal, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2012; CMC Douglas R. Colton Medal for Research Excellence 2009; and Strategic Microelectronics Council of ITAC Industrial Collaboration Award 2007.


CEO / 思坦科技

Micro-LED 显示技术产业化进程

Dr Zhaojun Liu is Co-founder & CEO of Shenzhen SiTan Technology Limited. Shenzhen SiTan Technology Limited was founded in 2018 by Dr. Zhaojun Liu, Dr. Chengfengqiu and Dr. Xiaowei Sun with support of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The target of SiTan is to realize mass production of Micro-LEDs and overcome barrier of mass transfer technologies. SiTan has been collaborating with leading companies over the world. SiTan has built up a production line of Micro-LEDs. We offer customers the following products: high-ppi Micro-LED microdisplays, high power and high refresh rate driving backplanes, fine-pitch Micro-LED pixels (100µm down to sub-µm), interactive displays for vehicles, and Micro-LED spectrum measurement system. Total solutions of Tiled Micro-LED screen and high throughput mass transferring are also provided.

Drew Hanser

VP of Technology / Veeco

MOCVD 技术创新突破 Micro LED 挑战瓶颈

Drew Hanser is the VP of Technology for Veeco’s MOCVD and MBE Product Lines. Veeco is a leading supplier of epitaxial process equipment for LEDs, mini- and microLEDs, laser and photonic applications, power electronics, and RF applications. Dr. Hanser has over 25 years of experience with semiconductor materials processing for electronic and photonics applications. He has authored or co-authored more than 80 publications and is co-inventor on eleven patents. Dr. Hanser received his B.S. degree from the Missouri University of Science and Technology and his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University. He is a member of the board of directors for the International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology.

Atsushi Nishikawa

CTO / ALLOS Semiconductors

200-300 mm LED 晶圆强化 Micro LED 显示器价格竞争力

Dr. Atsushi Nishikawa is Chief Technology Officer of ALLOS Semiconductors, an international IP licensing and developing company for GaN-on-Si patents and technology. Nishikawa has more than 15 years’ experience in MOCVD growth of III-nitride. Prior to co-founding ALLOS he was head of epitaxy at GaN-on-Si pioneer AZZURRO Semiconductors and worked in GaN-related research at NTT labs and Osaka University. At ALLOS he continues to head the advancement of the technology as well as the transfer of ALLOS’ GaN-on-Si technology to its customers’ reactors.

Jae-Hyun Kim

Head of Applied Nano-Mechanics Department / KIMM

巨量转移技术应用于 Mini LED & Micro LED 显示领域

“Jae-Hyun Kim”, Ph.D. has been a researcher at Korea Institute of machinery and Materials (KIMM) in the field of nano-mechanics and nano-mechanical systems since 2003. He has studied thin film mechanics of semiconductor and display materials, and has developed transfer machines for flexible semiconductor and display applications. ”Kim” received Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea.


营销总监 / 中麒光电

Mini LED COB 显示技术

- Manage sales and marketing team to achieve and delivery of revenue performance.
- Development and implement foreign market sales strategy.
- Evaluate, design, and execute short to long term marketing and sales campaigns for mini-LED in display.
- Develop and engage in mini-LED backlight design-in.
- Optimize and manage mini-LED product portfolio in performance, pricing, and market positioning.
- Development and execution of strategic sales and marketing plans to achieve growth objectives.












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RMB $1,100



RMB $1,500





Jade Chou
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 661

Alice Pan
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 664


Grace Li
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 916

Eric Chang
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 822


Esther Feng
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 667

